Years of Experience
American Company
Retail Stores

In 1957, Ron V. Rezek started a meat processing company that developed into a group of interconnected product development and service-oriented subsidiaries. From the beginning, each invented solution was initially designed to provide for an internal need.

SeeDevil’s Been Taking Names For Over 65 Years
With an emphasis on quality, Ron’s ability to design and build solutions for the company soon grew into a realization that many of our clients would individually benefit from their own application of his ideas and products. The efforts grew into creations of specialized equipment for emergency service operations. It began with food service and transportation, emergency generator power, portable lighting, food preparation equipment and field kitchens.
Efforts later expanded into air support operations, communications, command facilities, emergency field office environments, emergency IT infrastructure, and much more. The services and equipment designs were unique to the industry and Ron set the quality standard for modern emergency support.

Continued Leadership
After 65 years of experience in portable lighting and thousands of fire and disaster assignments we continue to innovate and adjust to our customers’ needs and market trends. We created portable lighting before it existed commercially. At infancy, it was simple string lights hanging from trees, progressing to sealed beam par lamp fixtures on stands, moving to tungsten halogen floods, and then high pressure sodium devices, metal halide light sources and xenon.
We designed and created stands, towers, vehicle hardware and even moved into long range lighting with projections up to 3000 ft for search and rescue efforts. Now we offer the latest technology, SeeDevil™ LED portable lighting. SeeDevil products incorporate our knowledge gained in real world emergency support with the unique requirements of industrial portable lighting.
SeeDevil™ portable lighting products are economical and built to last offering outstanding performance from a name you can trust.
This is SeeDevil.
The Power of Light.
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